2024 Applications

Stewards Application


  1. Adults (18 years and over) who are willing to volunteer for a minimum of 16 hours, normally in four 4 hour “shifts” in return for one adult weekend ticket. More if you are enthusiastic, or less if you are performing or assisting the Festival in some other way.
  2. Children under 18 years who are coming with you to the Festival need to be included on the application form and no children are allowed on our site prior to Wednesday evening at the earliest and this must be arrangement by agreement in advance from your Volunteer Marshal Coordinator. Up until this point, the festival site is a building site and not suitable for children to be present on. For insurance and Health & Safety considerations, we are also unable to accept anyone who wishes to keep their children with them whilst on duty.
  3. No Animals are allowed on site.
  4. Food Tokens will be given to you for every shift worked and can be used in the Stewards Cafe.
  5. Your priority as a Volunteer Marshal is to help us run Equinox Festival. It may be that some of your duties clash with events that you would like to see and we ask that this be dealt with BEFORE the Festival weekend. Please be aware that it is not always possible to change rotas to suit everyone’s request.
  6. Drinking alcohol, smoking or being under the influence of illegal substances whilst on duty or working alongside other Volunteer Marshals is not permitted at any time. Equinox Festival operates a zero tolerance drug policy.
  7. All Volunteer Marshals are required to be vigilant, courteous, sober, and Health & Safety conscious. You will also need to bring suitable clothing for all weathers when working outside. You must bring a high vis with you to wear on site at all times prior to the festival being open to the public. If you are unable to, one will be supplied for you for a £5 returnable deposit which must be paid during your induction.
  8. Duties run around the clock. Please indicate if you unwilling to work overnight. Any reason for being unavailable at any time during the weekend must be declared prior to the Festival.
  9. Application forms received are reviewed and duties are allocated to preferred areas where possible. Equinox Festival will endeavour to meet requests, but cannot guarantee it will be possible.
  10. Change of circumstances please let us know of any as soon as possible.
  11. Safety Plan - All Volunteer Marshals will be presented a copy of the safety plan and site plans. All Volunteer Marshals are expected to familiarise themselves with and comply with the procedures outlined in the plan. All Volunteer Marshals are expected to share current information regarding duties during change-over. The most up-to-date safety information is shared across the Steward radio channel. All Volunteer Marshals are expected to raise any concerns that may impact on the smooth and safe running of the event. Specific duties and or areas of patrol will be detailed at the briefing.
  12. Specialist Volunteer Marshals-  Equinox will do all that it can to provide Volunteer Marshals who have specialist skills with roles commensurate with those skills. This may not always be possible and Volunteer Marshals can be asked to undertake any duties that are required for the safe running of the event. Duties will be allocated at the briefing, normally by the Site Management or the Volunteer Marshall Coordinator who will endeavour to fit the best person for the particular stewarding role required and resolve any disputes as to roles at this time. Volunteer Marshals always have the right to refuse to engage in any activity required by their Volunteer Marshal Coordinator but may then be required to pay the gate ticket price to remain on site.



Do not put yourself at risk to deal with an emergency. If you do not have training do not attempt to put out a fire or rescue anyone from a dangerous situation such as drowning -you may become the victim! If there is any doubt or risk to someone being injured or killed dial 999 first, then contact onsite staff.

The procedures in the safety plan should be followed implicitly.

If there is any doubt about what to do then the advice of the Volunteer Marshal Coordinator should be sought as soon as possible. Any incident that may result in harm to anyone must be reported immediately or at the debriefing depending on the nature of the incident. Any incident that constitutes a risk of injury must be reported immediately.

It is the duty of all Volunteer Marshals to ensure, as far as is practicable, the safety of all participants in the event. To this end Volunteer Marshals are asked to report any instances that may be or become a danger to participants to the Volunteer Marshal Coordinator as soon as possible. Volunteer Marshals should help to keep the site clean and tidy by picking litter as a general part of their duties.

Volunteer Marshals will be asked to undertake patrols of designated areas as part of their duties. These can be the camping area, car parks, the caravan and camper area or the festival site itself. Particular areas of concern are relative to the various areas and principal concerns are:


If fire is discovered the alarm must be raised in accordance with the procedure in the Safety Plan and people who may be in the immediate vicinity of the fire instructed to evacuate that area immediately. Do not attempt to deal with the fire unless it is safe to do so.  The first priority is the safety of people – instructions from the Volunteer Marshal Coordinator must be followed, if there is a risk of the fire spreading then contact must be made with the emergency services. Open fires and ground level barbeques are not allowed on the campsite-there is a dedicated barbecue area for cooking.. If these are found then the perpetrators must be instructed that they should safely douse the fire immediately. If they refuse then they should be warned that they may be evicted from site and the Volunteer Marshal Coordinator informed. Information regarding these instances must be passed on at the debriefing with the location of the incident clearly identified. This information will be passed on at the next briefing. Participants who continue not to comply with this rule will be evicted from the site.

Whilst it is not anticipated that this will be a problem, notice should be taken of any unusual behaviour. If theft is suspected then Security and the Volunteer Marshal Coordinator must be informed immediately.

Any incident that may put anyone at risk should be dealt with at the time wherever possible. All incidents likely to result in harm to anyone must be passed to the Volunteer Marshall Coordinator as soon as possible.

Lost/ Found Children - Please refer to the lost/found child and vulnerable person policy

  1. Do not approach the child but keep in view from a safe distance whilst raising the alarm.
  2. Do not give any child anything to eat or drink.
  3. Do not put yourself in a position of being alone with a child under any circumstances.



If fire is discovered in the car park area that is a danger to people or vehicles then the emergency services must be immediately informed. No attempt should be made to extinguish or suppress vehicle fires. The area should be evacuated immediately. The Volunteer Marshal Coordinator must be informed as soon as possible.

If vehicle theft or theft from vehicles is suspected the Volunteer Marshal Coordinator must be informed as soon as possible – do not wait for the debriefing. If a vehicle is seen to be insecure then the position and number plate information should be passed onto the Volunteer Marshal Coordinator or Security as soon as practicable. Anyone seen attempting to steal or stealing from vehicles or damaging vehicles should be reported to the Police and the Volunteer Marshal Coordinator informed.

All incidents that may impact on the licensing conditions, may endanger public safety or lead to prosecution by the police will be recorded on an incident form available through Security, First Aid personnel and Site Supervisors and the information made available to responsible public authorities on request.


Hope to see you in September!

Before filling in this form, we recommend you read through it first to make sure you have all the relevant information required. Forms cannot be saved and if you're unable to complete the form you will have to start again.

1. Your Information

Some basic information about you
What's your date of birth? (must be 18yrs or over, proof may be required)
How can we get in touch?
Where do you live?
Emergency Contact?

2. Previous experience/Relevant Qualifications

What festivals have you worked at? What roles did you fulfil? Any particular skills or qualifications eg SIA, First Aid?, Any other useful information*
Any Special Requests/Dietry Requirements etc
Do you have pre-existing medical conditions that may effect any of the duties you may be asked to perform in your role as a steward? These may include walking, or standing for long periods of time.*
Have you Stewarded with us before?*

3. Ticket Requirements

Total Number of youth aged 13-17
Total Number of children aged 12 and under
Total Number of Dogs
Total Number of Caravans
Total Number of Campervans
Total Number of Cars

1. Tent/Vehicle Pitch Information

Will you be staying in a tent or live in vehicle?
Size of tent/vehicle? (In metres)*

4. Paper work & Legalities

if your application is successful, a £120 fully returnable deposit must be made before we are able to confirm your place at Equinox festival, your parking is included within this.
How deposit will be paid:
payable via bank transfer returnable at end of agreed shifts. We will send you the Bank details in your application confirmation letter. Deposits must be paid by August 20th

Terms & Conditions

Please confirm you have read the Equinox Festival Stewards Terms & Conditions and that you agree to abide by these.

I have read and understand the Equinox Festival Build Crew Conditions
I agree to abide by these conditions.

Get your tickets

skiddle.com is our ticket provider, so click the button and head over there to grab your tickets before they're all gone!